What is percentage of Regional/Provincial quota for seats/posts filled up by CSS Exam?
Yes, there is a reservation or quota system in CSS exams.
1. Merit 7.5 %
2. Punjab (Including Federal Area of Islamabad) 50 %
3. Sindh (Including Karachi) 19%
The Share of Sindh will be further sub-allocated in the following ratio:
- Urban Areas, namely Karachi, Hyderabad & Sukkur 40% of 19% or 7.6%.
- Rural Areas i.e. rest of Sindh (Excluding Karachi, Hyderabad & Sukkur, 60% of 19% or 11.4%. 19 %)
4. NWFP 11.5 %
5. Balochistan 6 %
6. Northern Areas and Federally Administrated Tribal Areas 4 %
7. Azad Kashmir 2%
Women Reserved Quota: 10% Women quota will be observed / calculated from the share of each province / region in terms of Establishment Division’s O.M. No.4/15/2006-R-2, dated 22.05.2007. The unfilled vacancies shall be carried forward.