Islamic Studies MCQs

Welcome to the Islamic study MCQs Exam Preparation section! Here are Thousands of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and answers related to Islamic study to prepare for your exams.
Islamic Studies Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) typically cover a wide range of topics related to Islam, including its history, teachings, practices, and beliefs. These topics include the pillars of Islam, such as Tawheed (Oneness of God), Risalah (Prophethood), Akhirah (Afterlife), Shahada (Declaration of Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakat (Almsgiving), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage).
The Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, is also an important subject in Islamic Studies. It covers topics such as the revelation and compilation of the Quran, Tafsir (Exegesis) of the Quran, Quranic verses and themes, as well as Surahs and Ayahs.
The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is another significant area of study, including his biography (Seerah), important events in his life, and his sayings (Hadith). Islamic history, including early Islamic history, the Caliphates and Islamic Empires, and the contributions of Muslim scholars and scientists, is also covered in Islamic Studies. Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) is another important aspect, which includes the schools of Islamic Law (Madhabs), sources of Islamic Law (Quran, Hadith, Ijma, Qiyas), and Islamic legal principles (Usul al-Fiqh). Islamic ethics and morality, such as Adab (Etiquette), Akhlaq (Morals), and Islamic values and virtues, are also studied. Sufism and Islamic mysticism, including the origins and development of Sufism, Sufi orders (Tariqahs), and the practices and teachings of Sufism, are part of Islamic Studies. Islamic civilization and culture, including contributions to art, science, and literature, Islamic architecture, and Islamic festivals and celebrations, are also covered.
Every exam given by organizations such as the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission (KPPSC), Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC), Balochistan Public Service Commission (BPSC), Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission (AJKPSC), National Testing Service of Pakistan (NTS), Pak Army, Navy, PAF, ISSB, and others includes a Islamic Studies multiple-choice question (MCQ). Here you will find updated Islamic studies MCQs with answers for comprehensive exam preparation.
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A. To bow down the neck
B. To obey
C. To have safty
D. All of these
A. Islamic Laws relating to mutual relation of human beings
B. Rules and Regulation for governing a nation
C. Both of them
D. None of these
A. Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
B. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
C. Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S)
D. Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
A. Aqleed
B. Aqaid
C. Aqd
D. Taqleed
A. Just recitation of Kalimah
B. Just understanding Kalimah
C. Both of these
D. None of these
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
A. 500 Times
B. 600 Times
C. 700 Times
D. 800 Times
A. Ablees
B. Idol
C. Shirk
D. None of These
A. 9th Nabvi
B. 10th Nabvi
C. 11th Nabvi
D. 12th Nabvi
A. Miraj
B. Hijrat
C. Ghazwa Badar
D. None of them