A. Pakistan
B. Romania
D. China
A. Beijing (ChinA).
B. Goa (IndiA).
C. Cape Town (South AfricA).
D. Moscow (Russia).
A. Donald Trump
B. Hillary Clinton
C. Barack Obama
D. Joe Biden
A. 15 Supporting Countries
B. 17 Supporting Countries
C. 19 Supporting Countries
D. None of these
A. 12 Participating Countries
B. 14 Participating Countries
C. 16 Participating Countries
D. None of these
A. Pakistan
B. India (Amritsar city)
C. Bhutan
D. Iran
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Bhutan
D. Azerbaijan
A. Antonio Guterreson
B. Ban-ki-moon
C. Peter Thomson
D. none of these
A. Japan
B. Portugal
C. Sweden
D. Uzbekistan
A. Recep Tayyab Ordogan
B. Ahmet Davutoglu
C. Binali Yıldırım
D. None of theseNone of these