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General Knowledge MCQs

General Knowledge
General Knowledge Mcqs consists of World Geography, Atmosphere, Science & Literature, events Mcqs, Current Affairs Mcqs , Pakistan Affairs Mcqs and International Organizations. These general knowledge questions are very important for all type of exams conducted by Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, Bpsc, Ots, Uts, Pts, Cts, Ats, etea and other testing agencies of Pakistan.

A. Japan
B. Holland
C. Britain

B. Phillips
C. Dell
D. National

A. Summer Queen
B. Summer Princess
C. Winter Queen
D. Queen of all Seasons

A. Motia
B. White Rose
C. Chamblee
D. Pink Rose

A. Chat
B. E-mail
C. Applications
D. Business

A. Social justice
B. Economic well-being of the people
C. Equality
D. All of them

A. Which is a democratic state
B. Which enacts laws for the welfare of people
C. Which ensures necessities of life to citizens
D. All of the above

A. Law should be comprehensive
B. Everyone is equal before the law
C. One should rule the country by law
D. Welfare state’s Law


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